The skies over Shreveport will be busy the weekend of April 26 & 27, as the Barksdale AFB Defenders of Liberty Air Show. Exciting aerial performances by the US Air Force’s Thunderbirds, the B-2 Stealth Bomber, the newest fighter, the F-22, and many others are to be expected.
A must-see for local adventure seekers will be a new aircraft called SkyRunner. SkyRunner is essentially a flying dune buggy with the ability to be airborne in about the length of a football field. A static display of a SkyRunner will be on hand, and a fly-by performance is tentatively scheduled.
The Defenders of Liberty Air Show has been a Barksdale AFB and Shreveport-Bossier tradition for several generations, and officials are expecting one of the biggest crowds in recent years. Despite recent construction on the North gate of the base, officials have worked tirelessly to ensure that all gates are ready for the potential record crowd.
All Barksdale gates will be open for public entrance at 9:00 AM each day of the air show. Performances will begin at 11:00 AM. For a schedule of the performers, go to