(ShreveportNews.com) Several weeks ago (April 2014), a jury in Dallas, TX awarded $3 million to the Parr family (Plaintiff), the family claimed they suffered health problems because of natural gas wells surrounding their 40 acre home in Texas (Barnett Shale). According to a 2011 press conference Lisa Parr said ,”My daughter was experiencing nose bleeds, rashes and there were some mornings she would wake up covered in blood … screaming and crying”.
The company responsible for paying the award of $3 million to the family is Aruba Petroleum Inc. According to DesMog, the Plaintiffs attorneys claimed the case is “the first fracking verdict in U.S. history.”
The judgment includes $275K for the Parr’s loss in real estate value, $2M for pain and suffering, $250K for future physical pain, and $400K for past mental anguish.
Aruba Petroleum plans to appeal the verdict. View the case: Parr v. Aruba Petroleum, Inc., No. 11-1650 (Dallas Co. Ct. at Law, filed Mar. 2011)
There has been multiple reports of water contamination from natural gas wells across the United States as well as Louisiana. There has also been reports of arsenic being found in well water near natural gas drilling sites.
Does fracking pose a threat to ground water in the Haynesville Shale? Let’s hear your feedback.