Caddo Parish Steve Prator was happy to announce that crime had been reduce in the rural communities of Caddo Parish in 2017.
“Once again I’m happy to announce a drop in crime in Caddo Parish for 2017,” Prator said. “This reduction is a direct result of the hard work and partnership between the citizens and deputies.”
According to 2017 crime statistics report for the parish, rural communities saw a three percent drop in crime rates. There were 1,362 reportable crimes in 2017 compared to 1,407 in 2016. The report also indicated a 63 fewer violent crimes than the previous year, and one less homicide.
Property crimes increased from 829 in 2016 to 847 in 2017. The majority of these, according to the Sheriff’s Office, were “shoplifting and general theft.”
The crime report reflects statistics for areas inside Caddo that are unincorporated, and do not include Shreveport.